July 5, 2023


Good morning Summer Families.

On this day in 1934, Babe Ruth tipped his cap to the fans in Fenway Park bidding his faithful fans farewell. He announced that he was ending his career as an active baseball player at the end of the season. It couldn’t have been easy for him, but the Babe had made an art form of rising to the occasion when it mattered the most. As we soon bid our own farewell, it won’t be easy for us, but I hope we can do so with the same dignity as the Babe.

As a school, one of the unplanned benefits of having a summer program during a pandemic was the unconventionality of learning. As we begin the last week of the summer program, I think back on the past 5 weeks and I love what I have seen and heard. The efforts to interact and engage; the inventive ways to keep our spirits up when we could not leave campus, serving as living examples that with a little hard work and diligence, we can exist safely. Superb!

While I think of the wonderful things that have happened this summer, it is almost time to say goodbye. There is no doubt that the students will be missed. After a long spring hiatus, they have added a lot of life to our school. They gave us purpose and allowed us to get a jump start on the fall reopening. Most importantly, this was one of the most resilient groups of students I have ever worked with in my almost 27 years at Maplebrook.

As we reflect on a highly successful summer and ready ourselves for our next adventure, we should remember these lessons learned in the past 5 weeks:

1. Growth can come through adversity. You cannot always control what will happen, but you can control how you react to any situation. We developed a new safety routine as it pertains to COVID-19 and we embraced the fun that was created on campus. Our outlook on the restrictions was not seen as a deterrent, but an opportunity to make memories.

2. Embrace the “space between.” The true tests in life are in the uncertainties. None of us knew how this summer would go as the first time back in community. Together, we walked into the unknown and made it through with flying colors!

3. It is often not the destination, but the journey. What we know is that each new day is an opportunity to better your life and the lives of those around you. We faced this “new normal” and leaned on each other for support. Throughout the summer, new friendships were formed and old friendships grew stronger. I hope you new friends will stay in touch.

4. And, finally, draw upon your Eagle Spirit. It has served you well and will continue to do so. We were all faced with a challenge that has no blueprint to follow. Like an eagle, we showed tenacity, vitality and fearlessness.

I thank you for allowing us this time with your students. It has been a wonderful summer program and I am looking forward to an equally successful upcoming school year. Enjoy the remainder of the summer.

Be well,

Jenn Scully