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The Institute for Collegiate and Career Studies maintains a high level of learning expectations and academic standards for its students, and that is why personal attention is given to each student. Faculty and staff recognize individual learning styles and use multi-sensory teaching strategies to help remediate academic weaknesses. Our college programs offer a wide variety of college options for students who strive for a higher education experience. A careful plan of action is prepared to ensure that a student is successful.


  • Placement Testing
  • Individual & Group Tutorials
  • Daily Study Sessions
  • Executive Functioning Support
  • Career & Schedule Planning
  • Transition & Matriculation Support

How to Apply

Complete the application and email the information listed below to: admissions@maplebrookschool.org.

  • Latest psycho-educational battery (within 3 years), including the WISC/WAIS
  • Academic achievement data (Woodcock-Johnson, KTEA, WIAT, etc.) including grade equivalents]
  • Transcript
  • Medical/social reports containing information necessary for your child/student’s well-being.

Other pertinent information may be requested by the Admissions Office. Once the application is received and the above materials are reviewed, a visit to the school and interview will be scheduled.

The Admissions Office will contact you to set up an appointment. Visits are scheduled through the Admissions Office and include a student-guided tour of the campus.

Tuition & Fees

Full Boarding, 10-month Academic Year:

Full Boarding, 10-month Academic Year & 6-week Summer Program: